By signing up for and/or attending SoulCycle classes, activities and other programs, and using SoulCycle’s premises, facilities, and equipment (collectively, Classes and Facilities), you hereby agree that there are certain inherent risks and dangers in indoor cycling and exercise and in using indoor cycling and exercise equipment in association with the Classes and Facilities. In consideration of being allowed to participate in and access the Classes and Facilities provided by SoulCycle, in addition to the payment of any fee or charge, you hereby (1) agree to assume full responsibility for any and all injuries or damage which are sustained or aggravated by you in relation to the Classes and Facilities, (2) waive, release and forever discharge SoulCycle, its officers, agents, members, employees, representatives, and all others from any and all responsibility, claims, rights, causes of action and/or liability from injuries or damages to your person or property resulting from your participation in and use of the Classes and Facilities, and (3) represent you have no medical or physical condition which would prevent you from attending and/or using any of SoulCycle’s Classes and Facilities and/or put you in any physical or medical danger, and have not been instructed by a physician not to do so. SoulCycle hereby advises you that individuals with any chronic disabilities or conditions are at risk in using SoulCycle’s Classes and Facilities, and are advised against doing so. In addition, if in the opinion of SoulCycle staff, you would be at physical risk using SoulCycle’s Classes and Facilities, you will be denied access to SoulCycle and its Classes and Facilities until you furnish SoulCycle with an opinion letter from your medical doctor, at your sole cost and expense, specifically addressing SoulCycle’s concerns, and stating that SoulCycle’s concerns are unfounded. If you decline to obtain such a letter, you will not be permitted to use the Classes and Facilities of SoulCycle.